Costa Rican coffee is a top gourmet coffee loved by coffee drinkers around the world. It is the perfect blend of well balanced flavors that create an ideal, smooth coffee. This perfection can be traced to its traditional roots which are still followed by the better coffee plantations today. Costa Rican coffee is so perfect in its taste and balance that it is almost too perfect. The balance of taste, aroma and texture is ideal with a hint of cocoa and is considered a top gourmet coffee regardless of being practically flawless. Save 15% on your first order Costa Rican
Other flavors that make Costa Rican coffee a top gourmet coffee are berry-like flavors or the nutty-chocolate tastes that are produced during the roasting process. Costa Rican coffee plantations that produce these high quality gourmet coffees are the smaller, low production plantations. These lower-volume plantations have retained the traditional growing and hand-picking methods that have insured a gourmet product for many years. Larger Costa Rican coffee plantations may be more voluminous but they sacrifice the quality of the coffee. Larger plantations must resort to more mechanical methods of picking; pulping and roasting the coffee beans produce an inferior quality of coffee that lacks the true Costa Rican coffee flavor.
The perfect example is in the wet method of pulping versus the dry method. The wet method is the traditional method and allows only the best beans to make it to the roasting process. This wet process is what creates the perfect, mild flavor that Costa Rican coffee is famous. Another factor that makes Costa Rican coffee a near perfect coffee with varying flavors from one plantation to another is the roasting process. Smaller plantations are able to roast their own coffee beans and create their own specific roasts.
Larger plantations typically leave the roasting process up to another company. These large plantations have no control over the roast and thus the outcome of the flavor. Many Costa Rican farmers have realized the need to stay true to tradition and produce the gourmet coffee beans they have cultivated for many years.
p>These farms or micro-farms as some are being labeled produce smaller amounts of coffee beans per growing season; however, they are cultivating and roasting premium gourmet coffees that are desired b y coffee connoisseurs. The premium coffee these farms are producing can be attributed to the soils which are slightly acidic due to the volcanic ashes of the area and the organic matter that is present in the soil. Different regions in Costa Rica produce different flavors of coffee. The West Valley area which is higher in altitude have a higher acidity level and better body than coffees grown in the Turrialba region which is at a much lower region. Turribalba coffees have a normal acidic level with very little body. These two extremes show how the region where the coffee is grown plays a large role in how the coffee ultimately tastes. Costa Rican coffee is one of the top coffees in the world. Some people say it is too perfect with its excellent balance and lingering flavors. No one can doubt the excellent tastes of Costa Rican coffees and as long as the smaller plantations continue to follow tradition the excellent coffees will continue to be on gourmet shelves and coffee websites.