Coffee to reduce the risk of .....

Coffee to reduce the risk of .....

The researchers stated that around  five cups of coffee each day alleviates the risk of death.



The journal Circulation has published a study that reveals that moderate amounts of coffee every day lowers the risk of death from various diseases. The researchers stated that around less than five cups of coffee each day alleviates the risk of death due to cardiovascular diseases, Type 2 diabetes, and nervous system disorders. Moreover, it lowers the risk of death due to suicide.

The researchers of the study attribute this effect to the naturally occurring chemical compounds found in coffee. These biologically active compounds can potentially downsize the extent of insulin resistance and systematic inflammation. These two factors can be the probable reason for the connection between coffee and mortality.

The researchers analyzed the effects of coffee consumption on the participants of three large studies,

  • 74,890 women in the Nurses’ Health Study
  • 93,054 women in the Nurses’ Health Study 2
  • 40,557 men in the Health Professionals Follow-up Study

19,524 women and 12,432 men died from different causes during the follow-up period of the study i.e. around 30 years.


The researchers conducted surveys and asked the participants to fill out different validated food questionnaires. The researchers noted that frequent coffee consumers tend to smoke cigarettes and drink alcohol. Keeping the effects of coffee different from smoking, the researchers conducted a new analysis among non-smokers. This revealed the shielding benefits of coffee on deaths more apparently.

The results of the study suggest the regular intake of coffee as a part of a healthy and balanced diet. However, coffee contains a significant amount of caffeine thus people, especially pregnant women and children, should consider the potential high intake of caffeine from coffee or other drinks.

Note that the study did not explain a direct cause and effect relationship between the consumption of coffee and death due to illness. Thus, the researchers state that the findings should be inferred cautiously. However, this scientific research can serve as an authentic claim that moderate consumption of coffee offers health benefits.

Apart from this, many other studies have also linked coffee with various health benefits. Some of these are listed below.

Researchers from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) conducted research which showed that drinking coffee prevents Type-II diabetes. The anti-diabetic effects of coffee were attributed to its ability to increase the levels of the protein called sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG). SHBG regulates hormones that influence the development of Type-II diabetes. A study conducted at Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) also found that a moderate intake of coffee may help to lower the risk of Type-II diabetes.

A study found caffeine effective against diseases like Parkinson’s disease. Studies suggest that consuming coffee may significantly lower the risk of Parkinson’s disease. Moreover, the caffeine content of coffee helps to control movement in people with Parkinson’s disease.

Studies enumerate the protective effects of coffee on the liver as well. It is shown that regular intake of coffee reduces the risks of liver diseases, such as,

  1. Primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC)
  2. Alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver

In addition, research has shown that coffee may help to ward off cancer. Researchers from Italy, during a study, revealed that consuming coffee can reduce the risk of liver cancer by 40 percent. Moreover, some of the results indicate that people who consume three cups of coffee in a day have a 50% reduced chances of liver cancer.


A study conducted at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC) and HSPC showed that two European cups of coffee each day reduces the risk of heart failure by 11 percent.

The studies mentioned above indicate coffee to be healthful for an individual’s over all well being. However, researchers encourage further research and trials regarding the subject. They are looking forward to studies that can explain the mechanism of the link between coffee consumption and mortality.

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