Exotic Gourmet Flavor . . . Truly Unique
It was the maitre de at the Hotel Principe Leopoldo in Lugano, Switzerland who introduced me to Sumatra Mandheling.
After an exquisite dinner, he presented six or seven different gourmet coffees suitable for an after dinner drink. I pondered the list, when, following this hesitant clue, he remarked: "Being American's I suggest you try a very different and good Dutch coffee – Mandheling from Sumatra."
I nodded approvingly even though, due to his heavy accent, I didn't initially grasp the name of his recommended coffee. But when the waiter arrived with his sterling silver coffee pot, and began pouring into our fine china cups, the aroma was heavenly – and the exotic flavor truly unique.
I had about four cups of Sumatra Mandheling during that afternoon and evening . . . and even more the next morning at breakfast – compliments of the maitre de. It's been a favorite of mine ever since.
By Chance, By Luck, By Swiss Train
The scenery from Chur to Lugano was breathtaking as our train weaved its way through the countryside and narrow gorges, and skirting one of Switzerland's largest glaciers.
With video camera in hand, we left the crowded coaches in the middle of the train and headed to the front where the view was much better. The wide, plush seats and open viewing were just awesome. Hmmmm, we thought. Why aren't more folks "up front".
It was shortly thereafter when a distinguished young Italian Colonel, in full military uniform, came to pay us a visit.
Demanding our passport in fluent English, he began to ask questions. When it was my chance to speak, I thought I better mention that my father had also served in the Italian Army in Tirano during World War I.
Good thing. Our Italian Colonel friend said we were in "reserved" first class seats, but not to worry. After all, we were money-spending tourists. He sat down and visited with us for awhile, then he gave me a card and told me to present it to the maitre de at the Hotel Principe Leopoldo in Lugano – huh, it was his cousin!
So, by chance or luck, that's how I was introduced to Sumatra Mandheling.
Ideal For Growing Gourmet Coffee
Mandheling is the finest growing region in Sumatra – itself one of the largest of the 13,700+ islands comprising the Republic of Indonesia.
Grown near the port of Pandang in west-central Sumatra, the growing altitude of 2,500 to 5,000 feet is ideal for cultivating one of the world's finest gourmet coffees.
Only 15% or so of all the coffee grown in Indonesia is Arabica – like the Sumatra Mandheling coffee bean – which meets the standards of gourmet quality coffee. The other 85% is the Robusta species, a commonly used coffee for commercial blending.
Interestingly, coffee trees were originally brought to Indonesia in the early 19th century by Dutch planters who sought to break the world-wide Arabic monopoly on the cultivation of coffee.
Within a few years, Indonesian coffee dominated the world's coffee market. Yet by the end of the century, disease completely destroyed the crop. Coffee trees were successfully replanted and quickly gained a large share of the world market until the plantations were ravaged again during World War II.
Yes, Sumatra Mandheling is one of the world's most distinctive coffees – full-bodied, resonant, low-toned, elegantly delightful, with a flavorful taste and wonderful aroma.
Mandheling is often times referred to as a coffee for romantics. I can just visualize Sidney Greenstreet sitting on a wicker chair talking to Peter Lorre as a sarong clad young lady pours him a cup of Mandheling. "I'll have another cup of Mandheling, and start looking for the bird later."
Always Premium Quality – Never Less
To savor the rich aroma and full gourmet taste of Sumatra Mandheling, it is suggested that you purchase your coffee from a reputable distributor.
Of course, I also recommend you purchase only the premium gourmet quality Mandheling coffee beans – not the lower grades used for commercial blending.
I encourage you to try the Sumatra Mandheling from Coffee.org. They sell a premium gourmet quality Mandheling at a very competitive price.
What I need now is another cup of coffee!
John DeBartolo - New York's Coffee Meister
Try Sumatra Mandheling Coffee