Breville Coffee Machines | Breville K-Cup Coffeemaker

Alex Nikitin

Until recently the Keurig Single cup brewer was the only one to use the K-Cup; however, Breville coffee makers are now available and they use the same principle as the Keurig and the same K-Cup. Breville coffee makers are beautiful machines that look great in any kitchen and are packed with features that make it one of the top selling single-cup coffee makers on the market. The Breville coffee maker allows users to experience the wide variety of teas, coffees and other hot beverages that are available as K-cups and were at one time only usable in the Keurig. The Breville coffee maker operates almost identically to the Keurig. The machine creates one cup of coffee or hot beverage at a time using a K-Cup that is inserted into the machine. When the lid closes the K-Cup is pierced on the top and the bottom to allow the hot water to run through and create the beverage. In less than the time it takes to fill a coffee basket with grounds and pour water in an automatic drip coffee maker a fresh cup of coffee can be in hand and ready to drink. Clean up is as simple as tossing the K-Cup into the garbage and adding more water to the machine if necessary. Occasionally the machine will need to be de-scaled but otherwise there is nothing easier than a Breville coffee maker for fresh hot coffee. The Breville single cup coffee maker has a variety of features depending on the model chosen. Additionally, the machines are built using the same technology that the Keurig is built on to deliver the exact amount of water at the precise temperature needed for the size coffee cup being brewed. Other features include an automatic timer to have the machine turned on and ready to brew at just the right time; a built-in water filter to help remove impurities in the water and produce a purer coffee; adjustable cup sizes to accommodate coffee mugs from demitasse size to travel mug size and a removable water reservoir for easy filling.

Having a single cup brewer like the Breville allows everyone to have the drink they want without having to sacrifice. Mom and dad might want coffee while little junior wants hot chocolate and big sister wants hot tea. The Breville coffee maker can accommodate everyone’s needs without wasting any coffee in the process. If dad needs decaf and mom wants hazelnut, the Breville brewer can handle that without having to use instant coffee for dad and pouring half a pot of hazelnut down the drain because mom only wanted one cup. The Breville brewer simply makes sense and cents. The popularity of the single serve coffee brewer has spurred big name coffee roasters to provide K-Cups and pods in a wide variety of flavors. Gloria Jean, Emeril, Green Mountain, Coffee People and many more coffee distributors have K-Cups available for use in single serve brewers. The Breville single serve coffee maker is just one product in a long line of top quality Breville coffee appliances. It is a high end, single serve coffee brewer that will make excellent coffee day after day at any given time with no mess or waste.

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