Coffee Pod Perks for the Office | Office Coffee Perks

However, many surveys show that a well-stocked break room with a variety of beverage options is high on the employee perk wish list. Coffee pods are an excellent way to fulfill this perk. Coffee pods are coffee filled disks that are used in single serve coffee makers. The biggest reason they are highly regarded is that the coffee is always fresh because it is made one cup at a time. In addition to always being fresh, coffee pods come in a large variety of flavors, roasts and even in different beverage choices like hot teas and cocoas. Business owners should consider this perk for more than employees. Clients who come to the office for meetings are guaranteed fresh coffee and are impressed with a single serve coffee setup and the selection of beverages that are available. They will also know that the coffee they are being served is fresh and has not been sitting on the heating element for the past two hours. Nor do they have to stand around and wait on a pot of decaf to brew since they can simply choose a decaf pod and brew one up in a minute or less. Many offices tend to shy away from the single serve coffee maker because they have a preformed notion that the supplies are going to be more expensive than a drip coffee maker. If the office researches the Internet and finds coffee retailers who offer free shipping and discounts for either regular monthly deliveries or loyalty points which can be redeemed for coffee the end result is huge savings that bring the cost of the coffee down and make it a feasible option for offices. If the cost is a huge issues there are pod brewers that can be equipped with vending properties, although this option does take the perk out of the coffee pod choice.

Coffee pods also have an advantage over the other single serve brewing systems that use K-cups in that the coffee pods can be composted while the plastic K-cups have to be thrown away. This makes the coffee pod choice and environmentally friendly choice in single serve coffee makers. Business owners should also take into account the amount of time it takes an employee to make a quick coffee shop run to get their favorite brew. Over time this amounts to lost man-hours for the business. However, with a coffee pod maker no one has to leave the office to get their favorite coffee they can spend less than five minutes away from their desk and no time is lost. Adding some flavored coffee syrups and creamers to round out the gourmet setup practically guarantees no one leaves for a coffee break. Coffee pod perks for the office will pay for themselves in many ways. Clients will be impressed with the offerings, employees will spend less time running out for gourmet coffee and they will feel that their desires and likes are considered when the office makes these types of changes. Little perks like this can go a long way in creating company loyalty.

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